Established 1909
Established 1909
This Constitution was adopted by the membership at an Extraordinary General Meeting held at Liberton Golf Club on Tuesday 26th May 2009 and last amended 12th November 20141. TITLE
The name is ‘Midlothian County Ladies’ Golf Association’ (the ‘Association’).
The objects for which the Association is established are:-
- to commit to encouraging the participation in and the development of golf in the County of Midlothian (‘the County’), by providing facilities and training for junior girls and ladies, particularly those aspiring to play for the Midlothian County Teams and for National or International Honours.
- to arrange and hold golf competitions and matches for its Members and provide prizes and awards therefor.
- to co-operate with any other County Association whose objects are altogether or in part similar to those of this Association.
- to do all such other things the Association may consider to be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects as stated in (1), (2), or (3) above.
Membership (regardless of disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs) is open to all amateur ladies with an official golf (CONGU) handicap (subject to the after mentioned proviso) and to all girls irrespective of handicap who possess at least one of the following qualifications:-
- birth in the County,
- residence in the County, or
- membership of a golf club in the County which is affiliated to Scottish Golf
The Association may have the following categories of membership:-
1. Full: Full Members require to be at least 18 years of age, and unless progressing through the Junior Membership category, have an official (CONGU) handicap. They shall have the right to play in all competitions and others arranged by the Association for which they are eligible by handicap.
Since the number of Full Members shall not exceed the limit fixed by the Committee from time to time, a waiting list shall operate and an administration fee will be payable at the time of application. Ladies on the waiting list shall be eligible to play only in 5-a-side and Greensomes Matches or such others as the Committee shall decide from time to time.
2. Honorary: This category of membership may be offered by the Committee to an amateur or professional lady golfer who has made a major contribution to golf in general and/or to the work of the Association. Honorary Members who are amateur golfers shall have the same playing rights as Full Members. Honorary members who are professional golfers shall be eligible to play only in such competitions as the Committee shall decide, but they may not captain any County Team.
3. Associate: Membership of this category is open to those who have previously been Full Members for a minimum of 5 years, or such others as the Committee may decide from time to time. Associate Members may play only in the Summer and Winter Foursomes, Summer Hole and Hole Competitions or such others as the Committee shall decide from time to time.
4. Student: These Members must be between 18 and 23 years of age and be in full time education. They shall have the same playing rights as Full Members.
5. Junior Girls: These Members must be under 18 years of age on 1st January in any calendar year. They may play in those matches and competitions arranged for them by the Association’s Junior Secretary and in Full Members’ competitions where handicap allows. On becoming 18 years of age and providing they hold an official golf (CONGU) handicap, they can automatically transfer to Student or Full Membership.
Full and Honorary Members shall have the right to vote at General Meetings of the Association but only Full Members may stand for election to the Committee.
Honorary Members pay no subscription. The membership year runs from January 1st to December 31st and every other Member must pay the annual subscription then current for her category of membership. Any Member wishing to resign her membership must notify the Association’s Honorary Secretary by 31st December in any year.
Each Member shall, as a condition of membership, be bound by the terms of this Constitution
The Management of the Association shall be vested in the Committee elected at the Association’s Annual General Meeting which shall consist of:
(a) the Office Bearers of the Association who are:
- President: Elected every three years.
- Captain: Normally served as Vice-Captain, elected every two years.
- Vice-Captain: Elected every two years.
- Honorary Secretary: Elected annually.
- Honorary Treasurer: Elected annually.
- Junior Secretary: Elected annually.
The said representatives shall be eligible for re-election.
The Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Junior Secretary, all of whom retire each year, shall be eligible for re-election.
The Honorary Secretary shall call meetings of the Committee when required by the Captain or herself, giving members adequate notice thereof. Twelve members of the Committee shall form a quorum. The Captain, whom failing the Vice-Captain, shall act as Chairperson at said meetings but if neither is present the meeting shall elect its own Chairperson. All matters shall be decided by majority vote and the Chairperson shall have a second or casting vote.
The Committee shall have the following powers and obligations:-
- to fill any vacancies in 4(a) above which may arise during any year by appointing a Full Member who shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the Association. Vacancies arising under 4(b) above shall be filled by the respective clubs.
- to appoint, from amongst its Members, sub-committees for any special purpose and to lay down rules for the conduct thereof including reporting back to the Committee. Said sub-committees may co-opt other Full Members but co-opted Members shall not form a majority of any sub-committee unless specifically approved by the Committee.
- to appoint Honorary Members.
- to appoint Members as assistants to the Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer or Junior Secretary if necessary. Said appointees shall not be considered members or co-opted members of the Committee.
- to remunerate any person or company for professional services rendered to the Association.
- to fix the annual subscription rates, competition fees and the dates of payment thereof and to cancel membership of any Member who fails to make payment of her subscription timeously as indicated on the notice of payment. All subscriptions and fees will be set at a level which does not pose a significant obstacle to membership or use of facilities.
- to vary the criteria for and/or conditions applicable to each category of membership subject to approval in General Meeting.
- to refuse membership to any applicant.
- to arrange golf competitions and matches for the Members providing prizes or awards, and to enter teams chosen from the Members by a sub-committee consisting of the Captain, Vice-Captain, County Champion (being a full member) and an appointed Selector (s), for Inter-County golf matches and competitions.
- to lay down rules for the competitions and matches and issue copies of the same to all clubs which have Members of the Association.
- in the event of any Member acting in contravention of this Constitution or in the event of the conduct of any Member being (in the opinion of the Committee) injurious to the character or interest of the Association, to suspend such Member for such period of time as the Committee shall decide, or to ask her to resign. If compliance therewith is refused, to expel said Member providing always that the Committee shall invite her to be present at the meeting at which the motion to expel her is put forward and to be heard on the motion. Notwithstanding the foregoing the Committee’s decision to expel shall be final and binding and the Committee shall not be obliged to return any subscription paid.
- to do any other things necessary or expedient for the management of the Association.
The President shall be the chief representative of the Association on certain occasions and play a supportive role at the main events and competitions involving the Members.
The Captain shall be responsible for the running of the Association during her term of office and shall be the official representative of the Association on all golf matters. She shall, with the Committee’s approval, appoint her Vice-Captain.
The Honorary Secretary shall (1) summon all General Meetings of the Association and meetings of the Committee and keep full and correct minutes of the same; (2) conduct the correspondence of the Association; (3) maintain a register of membership, except Junior Members, and keep records of all competition entrants; (4) issue subscription notices, the annual fixture list and competition entry sheets to the Member(s); and (5) furnish Members with a copy of this Constitution.
The Honorary Treasurer shall (1) maintain bank account(s) in the name of the Association and arrange for the withdrawal of monies by either herself or the Honorary Secretary; (2) collect all income and pay all authorised expenses of the Association; and (3) maintain financial statements of the Association and present at each Annual General Meeting a Statement of Accounts made up to 30th September each year (the end of the Association’s financial year). These financial statements shall have been examined by a suitably qualified independent person.
The Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer may receive a small honorarium for their professional services, and Office Bearers may receive a small contribution towards their travelling expenses. No other Committee members receive remuneration or lump sum expenses.
The Junior Secretary shall be responsible for all matters relating to Junior Members including the collection of their subscriptions and training fees and the organisation of their matches, competitions and training sessions.
Any of the above duties may be delegated to other Members of the Committee subject always to the approval of the Captain.
All General Meetings other than Annual General Meetings shall be called Extraordinary General Meetings. All General Meetings shall be called by at least 14 days’ notice given to every Member entitled to attend. The Captain, whom failing the Vice-Captain, shall preside as Chairperson at every General Meeting, but in the absence of both, said Meetings will choose one of the Committee Members present to be Chairperson. The Chairperson shall have a casting as well as her own vote. At least 20 Members entitled to vote shall form a quorum and any motion to be adopted at any such meeting shall require a majority of two-thirds of the voting membership present.
7a. Annual General Meetings
An Annual General meeting shall be held as soon as convenient after the end of each financial year and in any event before the end of December in any year. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be, inter alia, (a) to receive the Captain’s Report, reports from other Committee Members and to approve the said financial statements, and (b) to elect Office Bearers, as required, and a suitably qualified person to independently examine the financial statements.
No motion shall be considered at an Annual General Meeting unless it has been proposed, seconded and intimated in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least four weeks prior to the date of the Meeting. The Honorary Secretary shall send notice of any such motion to the Members entitled to vote at least 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
7b. Extraordinary General Meeting
The Committee shall when deemed necessary, or within four weeks of the receipt of a requisition in writing signed by at least 16 voting Members, call an Extraordinary General Meeting. Any such requisition must state the business proposed.
The Rules and Regulations observed by the Association and its Members shall be:-
1. The Rules of Golf as they may from time to time be fixed by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club with the addition of such Local Rules as may be necessary.
2. Regulations governing Handicapping, Course Rating and Competition Scratch Score (CSS) calculations as laid down by The Council of National Golf Unions (CONGU) Unified Handicapping System and Scottish Golf Ltd.
3. The Regulations for County Golf as laid down by the SLGA Ltd from time to time. These remain the same at present as they were laid down.
No addition or alteration to the Constitution shall be made except at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose. The procedures outlined in Section 7 above shall apply.
The Association does not exist to make a profit. All surplus income is reinvested in the Association. No surpluses or assets may be distributed to Members or to third parties.
In the event of its dissolution or amalgamation any surplus funds held by the Association shall be paid over to the SLGA Ltd or its successors.
7 November 2012